


Equality and Diversity

Acknowledging and respecting human diversity


In her current role as head of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Office at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) , Patricia brings her experience from the world of science into a specific academic environment. ZHdK sees itself as an institution that acknowledges and values its members’ individual and cultural differences.


A core value at ZHdK is that all staff and students receive recognition and equal treatment, regardless of their gender, age, origin, religion, ideology, disability or sexual orientation. Much groundwork has been done in the area of equality and diversity in recent years.


While many believe that gender equality has been achieved in academic and university organisations, there is no reason to lean back. Standing still in this area very quickly means going backwards. Even if some statistics indicate important progress, many questions still need to be answered. Patricia Felber is dedicated to fathoming these issues: she questions, critically reflects on and structures the findings. In particular, much work still needs to be done in relation to racism, social origin and sexual orientation. Transgender issues are still in their infancy, so to speak.


“Today, young men who feel discriminated turn to us just as often as young women do.”




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Patricia Felber
Dr. phil.-nat.

8055 Zürich
T 079 353 70 59

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